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Aug 13 2015
What if you are audited, by The Employment Development Department?

Posted in general

We have had Clients audited recently and here are some of the questions they asked.


  1. How many hours are you open?


  1. Provide a schedule of who is operating the store during business hours.


  1. Are they the owner, family members or employees?


  1. Show me your payroll records and Time Sheets.


  1. Do you have Workman Compensation Insurance? 


Why are they asking these questions?


Questions # 1, 2

    Is everyone on payroll that should be?  


Question # 3

    If the store is a Sole Proprietor, everyone except the Store owner and his wife must be on payroll. 

   If the store is a Partnership, everyone except the partners and their wife’s should be on payroll.

   If the store is a Corporation, everyone should be on payroll.


Question # 4

    This is to see if all hours are accounted for and if everyone who should be on payroll is on payroll.


Question # 5

    Workman Compensation Insurance is mandatory in the State of California for all business with employees.


   Not having the correct answers to all of these questions can result in additional payroll taxes and penalties. 


Last Updated by Admin on 2015-08-13 01:56:41 PM


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